
A Message from the Board of Directors

After much thought and careful consideration, we are saddened to share that Youth Farm has made the difficult decision to dissolve the organization due to ongoing financial challenges. Despite our best efforts to secure new funding, the uncertainty around grants and...

Day 4 – Northside Team

Day 4 – Northside Team

In the heart of North Minneapolis, a powerful movement is taking root. For the last day of our Fresh Start campaign, we’re returning our focus to Youth Farm - this time, our team on the Northside. Youth Farm programming in North Minneapolis is led by Program Director,...

Day 3 – Youth N’ Power

Day 3 – Youth N’ Power

Picture this: a group of passionate young activists leading climate strikes, advocating for environmental justice, and demanding equitable policies around the world. Youth n' Power creates moments like these, where youth take center stage, making their voices heard...

Day 2 – CLUES

Day 2 – CLUES

My name is Pedro A. Bayón - allow me to introduce you to Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio aka CLUES. CLUES is changing lives and transforming latino communities across state of Minneosta. Latinos make up 5.5% of Minnesotans, yet 21% of Latinos are living below...

Day 1 – St. Paul Greenhouse Team

Day 1 – St. Paul Greenhouse Team

We are only as strong as our connections to one another. At Youth Farm, our mission is to seed, nurture, and tend to these connections in every aspect of our work; through our programs, students, plants, and all of the other resources at our disposal. This year, our...

Youth Farm Awarded $750,000 for Northside Youth Greenhouse

We’re thrilled to announce that Youth Farm has been awarded $750,000 in support of the Northside Youth Greenhouse. This funding was awarded through the 2023 federal appropriations bill. The Northside Youth Greenhouse is one of the many community projects funded in the...

Youth Farm Interim Executive Director Announced

Youth Farm Interim Executive Director Announced

Earlier this year, we announced that Gunnar Liden would be transitioning out of his role as Executive Director of Youth Farm after 22 years. This month Amanda Stoelb will step in as Interim Executive Director. Amanda will support Youth Farm this winter as we build and...

Leadership Transition Announcement

We have some bittersweet news to share: later this summer, Gunnar Liden will be transitioning out of his role as the Executive Director at Youth Farm. Gunnar has grown with Youth Farm for 22 years, serving as Executive Director since 2006. During this time, he’s...