Lyndale Youth Farm parents and community members hosted a group of Youth Farmers last week at the Turtle Bread Bakery. The parents work at the bakery as pastry chefs and cake decorators. Our youth were most excited to check out the giant ovens and walk in fridges, not...
Every summer we’ve grown collard greens, and it is the crop that is most likely to mystify our youth and families. We hear, “How do we eat this?” every week we send it home. This week Project LEAD each harvested a pound of collards to take home, each...
Youth Farm has been busy all week at Lyndale School, culminating in today’s Food Day. On Monday Lyndale Elementary students spread compost in their farm site during recess and planted a few perennials before the winter hits. Yesterday was the first day of our...
We’ve had a bountiful harvest of apples this fall from our trees in Lyndale. We have three different varieties growing between our Pillsbury and Horn Towers Farms. We spent a couple weeks in September freezing and canning apple sauce with our Farm Stewards,...
Fall is maybe my favorite time of year at Youth Farm. Our programs slow down, food is pouring in, and we have the chance to get our hands dirty while reflecting on another summer program succesfuly completed. This season we’ve kept our Farm Stewards busy in the...