Thank You to Teréz, Artemis, & Laura of Crescent Collective

Youth Farm’s West Side greenhouse was changed for the better this past school year and it is easy to see how as soon as you step inside. Quietly demanding your attention with the sounds of a mountain stream is one of the most unique contraptions you’ll...

Who knew school lunch could be so delicious?

Minneapolis Public Schools Culinary and Nutrition Services  has been in the news lately for their groundbreaking work to provide more nutritious and locally sourced meals to the students of Minneapolis Public Schools.  Behind all the well deserved headlines is a team...

Where would our events be without Ash Reynolds at Brasa/Alma

One of the ways we support our work and mission at Youth Farm is through a variety of events and fundraisers. Over the past few years, we have developed strong partnerships with a variety of Twin Cities Restaurants and Chefs, one of the main ones being Restaurant Alma...

Ms. Beverly, a Chef who inspires

Beverly Stancile, or Ms. Bev, as everyone in Hawthorne calls her, has been our Chef on the northside for the past two years. Her secret ingredient is LOVE and she puts it into every dish that comes out of the St. Olaf kitchen. Her smoked BBQ chicken at Harvest Fest...

A Place to Grow

Many years ago a group of Lyndale Youth Farmers and Minneapolis Public Housing residents came together to save a plot of land at Horn Towers from redevelopment. Youth Farm, the residents, and the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority came to an agreement to save the...

Maureen Hark and Barb Rose – Thanks for All the Garden Love

You would have a hard time growing veggies on St. Paul’s West Side without crossing paths with Barb Rose and Maureen Hark. Not only have they played major roles in the development of the West Side Farmer’s Market, the market being able to accept EBT/SNAP,...

Thank you Patricia Ohmans from Frogtown Green

It’s hard to picture the Frogtown Youth Farm’s Pierce Butler site without picturing Patricia Ohmans’  presence. Whether it is supporting our summer program by coordinating fun and educational activities for our kids or advising on best garden...