Our first strawberries came in this week! Nothing tastes quite as sweet as those first hand picked berries right out of our farms. It is a joy to share these fruits with our young people, many of whom have never tasted fresh local strawberries. The week before summer...
Last weekend over forty of us Project LEAD, Farm Stewards, and Program Directors gathered from across Youth Farm for intensive training and togetherness. Here are a few snapshots of our winter...
Over the winter we’ve been asking our youth and community what we should grow at Youth Farm this year. Our Project LEAD have begun reflecting on all the input and making decisions on what foods we will grow to send home. Lyndale is especially excited to try...
Last weekend Lyndale Project LEAD and Farm Stewards drove 3 hours north to Two Harbors for an intensive retreat. Over the weekend we began planning our summer program, committed to our food distribution outlets for this growing season, and made lots of yummy food...
Youth Farm was honored to be presented with the 2013 Homegrown Hero Award last night at the Homegrown Minneapolis Annual Open House. We are humbled to receive this award with so much great work going on around the city. Huge thanks to the Homegrown Minneapolis Food...
I am an intern in the Lyndale neighborhood for Youth Farm this fall. I am lucky enough to see the behind-the-scenes at Youth Farm and am able to observe how all of their fall programs and practices work and benefit each other. I think one of the most amazing things...