Whats your favorite way to cook Collard Greens?

Every summer we’ve grown collard greens, and it is the crop that is most likely to mystify our youth and families. We hear, “How do we eat this?” every week we send it home. This week Project LEAD each harvested a pound of collards to take home, each...

Astonishingly “Adult” Things

There was a very interesting Opinion article in the Star Tribune a couple of Sunday’s ago by Ted Kolderie entitled, “Let’s give adolescents a chance to grow up.” Ted argues, and I am severely paraphrasing here, that we may need to reset the way we...

Garden Party and Franconia Sculpture Field Trip

Earlier this fall we threw a mid-week garden party to kick-off our fall cooking and greenhouse classes.  It was a beautiful evening complete with dodge ball, freshly made snacks, and harvesting of fall crops.  It was a time to reconnect with friends from the summer,...

Liberty Plaza cooks with Chef Nathan

On Tuesday, the Youth Farmers at Liberty Plaza took a field trip to visit our summer Chef, Nathan at St. Paul College. The Youth Farmers enjoyed seeing Chef Nathan again! We cooked six different types of delicious soups as well as some toasty fresh biscuits! Written...

Happy Food Day

Youth Farm has been busy all week at Lyndale School, culminating in today’s Food Day. On Monday Lyndale Elementary students spread compost in their farm site during recess and planted a few perennials before the winter hits. Yesterday was the first day of our...

Apple Harvest In Lyndale

We’ve had a bountiful harvest of apples this fall from our trees in Lyndale. We have three different varieties growing between our Pillsbury and Horn Towers Farms. We spent a couple weeks in September  freezing and canning apple sauce with our Farm Stewards,...

Fall Harvest in Frogtown

Last Thursday, youth farmers from Jackson Elementary took a field trip in the neighborhood to Youth Farm’s main farm site to harvest green tomatoes.  We’ll fry some green tomatoes to eat this fall, and save some to ripen later.

Youth Farm partners with urbanNATURES

We are really excited to announce our partnership with urbanNATURES Jewelry company. Like most partnerships, our somewhat seemingly random partnership started with a phone call and a Minnesota connection, but provides Youth Farm a unique opportunity to expand our...

First Class at Liberty Plaza

Last Tuesday, Youth Farmers started the school year at Liberty Plaza in Frogtown by making yummy sugar cookies with frosting.