Sometimes in the nonprofit world, it can be easy to overlook the role we have in not just being the recipients of support, but the important role we have in supporting other organizations and businesses, particularly those partners who have been alongside us for many...
Monday night Powderhorn Project LEAD got together and drew up a map of our ‘hood. We included, our gardens, our homes, helpful neighbors, community organizations, cafés, and religious institutions! It was a lot of fun to take some time to reflect on how many...
Lyndale Youth Farm parents and community members hosted a group of Youth Farmers last week at the Turtle Bread Bakery. The parents work at the bakery as pastry chefs and cake decorators. Our youth were most excited to check out the giant ovens and walk in fridges, not...
Today Megan, a Master Gardener from Ramsey County, visited Jackson! The kids enjoyed learning all about composting and how food can turn into rich, fertile soil. They even got to get their hands dirty and were able to harvest the compost which means they separated the...
The other day at a Hawthorne LEAD meeting, we totaled up the amount of food we grew at our St. Olaf and Nellie Stone Johnson gardens this season and it was 5,034.01 pounds!! We had some fun imagining and then Googling what 5,000 pounds of something looks like. We...
On Wednesday, we made a Sopa, a traditional Mexican tomato and noodle soup. The youth had fun cooking this dish. It was great watching how confident the kids have become in their cooking skills this fall! This soup was such a hit that there was nothing left in the pot...
Every year for almost a decade Youth Farmers help with the Powderhorn Empty Bowls fundraiser which supports local community organizations that help members of our community access quality healthy foods. November 1st we had Farm Stewards, Project LEAD, and Allstars...
Last Thursday, some of the Youth Farmers took a trip to Cycles for Change to do some much needed repairs to our bikes. The kids were proud of their repair skills and fixed a total of nine bikes! The staff at Cycles for Change was welcoming as always. We had a blast! ...
Youth Farm is proud to have had our Kale salad with Ginger Dressing featured yesterday in the Minneapolis School Lunch! Kale is a Youth Farm prize crop: it grows in abundance in all five neighborhoods and our youth love it! Check out the recipe and test it for...