Meet Alex. He’s a Youth Farm supporter.
After hearing about the gardening, farming and cooking kids were doing at Youth Farm; Alex Roberts, Executive Chef and Owner of Brasa and Restaurant Alma, accepted the invitation to volunteer as a guest chef. He put together a menu that the kids would be able to help with and he remembers this group of enthusiastic kids no taller than the counter tops chopping and prepping with skills that surprised him.
“It was a magical experience,” Roberts says, “I was totally charmed by the children fighting over who was going to get the green beans and of course this was the food they grew. It sparked a real connection for me that these children are doing this amazing work and they are connecting with food in that way. It was powerful.”
Roberts says he believes in creating learning organizations, like he has at his own restaurants. He wants to empower people with knowledge in order to be successful and have a sense of personal mastery. This shared vision and set of values is in large part the reason for his involvement and continued promotion of the nurturing and nourishing Youth Farm provides everyday.
Youth Farm. Connecting to food. Connecting to each other.