Greenhouse Party and Mini-Field Trip

To celebrate our final greenhouse class of the fall the Youth Farmers decided we should have a party.  With music, decorations, dancing, courtyard soccer, gummy worms, and guests, we celebrated the past seasons accomplishments.  This fall there was a lot of be proud...

Squash Soup on a Cold Night in Lyndale

Lyndale Youth Farm’s Thursday Cooking Class closed down their fall season with a family and community dinner, feeding 80 people a healthy meal of butternut squash soup, beet salad, and cheddar biscuits. Most of the produce came right from Youth Farm, including...

West Side Cooking Class

Today we are wrapping up what has been a spectacular series of cooking classes this fall.  Starting at the end of September, Farm Steward Alice Martin began exploring seasonal cooking with West Side youth.  Over the 9 week series the class has utilized a fresh fall...

Astonishingly “Adult” Things

There was a very interesting Opinion article in the Star Tribune a couple of Sunday’s ago by Ted Kolderie entitled, “Let’s give adolescents a chance to grow up.” Ted argues, and I am severely paraphrasing here, that we may need to reset the way we...

Harvest, Harvest, Harvest…

Fall is here and the gardens are still very much alive. We’ve been harvesting peppers, cucumbers, squash and gourds, tomatoes, potatoes, and lots of cool weather crops like kale, chard, and cabbage. We’ve been preserving lots of the harvested goodies,...