As the weather starts to get colder (sort of), it is nice to have reasons to think back to the awesome summer we had this year at Youth Farm. We were honored to have Jeffrey Zupfer, a Youth Farm parent and West Side resident, come and work with some of our Youth...
Alexis first heard about Youth Farm from his neighbors Anahi and Josefa. He had just moved in next door to a Youth Farm site, and the two sisters shared with him their experience in Youth Farm. Soon after, he went down the street to visit his cousins and saw a Youth...
We farm to grow leaders. The core of this youth development work is what we call the Youth Farm Way, in other words our program model and strategies that are built to deliver high quality programming and meaningful outcomes. Taking our mission seriously means engaging...
West Side LEAD are participating in the first ‘651 Youth for Justice’ forum today making great use of their time out of school. We are all currently focusing on identity and the complexities of self, culture, and race. So glad to be here...
Today, the 4th graders at Nellie Stone Johnson accepted a giant responsibility of taking care of NSJ’s herbs over the winter. They learned about the grow lab lights and how to properly use them. It was easy for them to recall their garden skills from their 3rd...
At Hawthorne, we’ve had some great fun planning and preparing for summer program and it has finally arrived! Here’s some great shots from staff training and the first day… We bonded. We milked a cow! We hosted a Puppet Show from Open Eye Theatre. We...