Planting Seeds, Reaping Harvest

Be on the lookout in the neighborhood for groups of young people growing food. Youth Farmers are out and about five days a week in the farms. We are deep in spring cleaning and planting early crops. Before you know it we will have a bounty! Our hoop house at Lyndale...

Roasted Beet and Apple Salad

“So what do you do in the winter?” is a question I hear at least once a month. The answer can be long, but it is simple. Since we can’t grow food, we focus on growing leaders and community. We reflect and plan. We cook and have community events. We...

Youth Farmers Take Over the Hyatt’s Kitchen

Over spring break Youth Farmers, All Stars, Project LEAD, and Farm Stewards from both Lyndale and Powderhorn trekked over to the Downtown Hyatt Regency hotel. We got up with their kitchen crew and met a variety of different chefs who worked with us to develop 4...

Nazeem at SXSW

Nazeem, former Lyndale Project LEAD and our  Harvest Coordinator, has just been featured in the Star Tribune for his performance at the SXSW Music Festival. Nazeem has a new album coming out soon, including single “January 1st” that is out now. You can...

Sleds and Salads

Lyndale All Stars visited the West Side Youth Farm’s greenhouse last week to check out the new hydroponics system. Loads of lettuce are coming out of the greenhouse this winter for our classes and dinners, and this was a chance for All Stars to sow some seeds...

Project LEAD Tour Minneapolis Nutrition Services

This morning a group of Lyndale Project LEAD toured the Minneapolis School Districts’ Culinary and Nutrition Services Facility. Our LEAD braved the early morning and cold weather for the chance to see where their lunches are produced. It was a sobering...