Announcement: Interim Executive Director Announced - Learn more here!

Extending the Family

At Youth Farm we talk a lot about how we are very much like family, so it was no surprise that Monday’s Guest Chef at our LEAD Meeting was none other than my dad, Mike McDaniel. He is an avid canner who makes about 800 jars of salsa and applesauce for each of...

Cool Beans: A Journey

First they were meticulously planted by last year’s Nellie Stone Johnson 3rd graders. Then they grew in the summer sun and were tended to by Hawthorne Youth Farmers. They loved to sprawl along the fence and everyone admired their beautiful white and red flowers....

Is it Salad Season yet?

It’s at about this time of year when everyone gets hit with a little cabin fever and the need for something fresh to crunch on. Luckily, in Hawthorne and on the West Side we have started to get the creative juices flowing to create this year’s salads that...

January at Youth Farm

When you say you are a Minnesota-based non-profit that grows food to develop young leaders, you receive a lot of puzzled looks followed by the question “What does Youth Farm do during the winter?” Well, the truth is, we do a lot! Yes, Minnesota winters are long and...

January Thaw at NSJ

Today Mr. Alex’s 4th grade class opened their Rosemary and Thyme herb bags that they had left to dry over winter break. These were clippings from plants they are caring for under a grow light in their room. After recess, they carefully pulled off the dry leaves,...

SOCC Holiday Carrots & Cookies!

Hawthorne LEAD had a great time prepping and baking over 300 cookies for St. Olaf’s annual cookie bake! We made 7 different varieties of cookies, 2 of them featuring Hawthorne produce: carrots & zucchini. Those carrots were harvested on November 24th! Our...