Last week, all the Project LEAD from St. Paul gathered for a three day “city” retreat to team build, plan for our Youth Farmer program, visit Philadelphia Farm, and soak up the sun at Lake Nokomis. Look at these delicious strawberries we picked at Philly...
Place matters. By grounding our work in neighborhoods, young people, their families and neighbors feel greater ownership, accountability, and understanding of the powerful role youth play in a community. Strong intergenerational and intercultural relationships among...
Not only did we make delicious red coconut curry at last Thursday’s cooking class in Frogtown, but we encountered some cute Pokemon too! Can you name that Pokemon? Why not? (this is a hint)...
It seems crazy, but our summer here at Youth Farm is quickly coming to an end. As sad we are that our summer program only has a few days left, we are excited to celebrate all the great accomplishments of our amazing Youth Farmers. Please join us this week for any of...
Youth Farmers in Frogtown dedicate their entire Friday to learning about Sustainability. They learned about Hoop Houses at Frogtown Farms, played games to test their knowledge of recycling & composting with Eureka Recycling, and made bird feeders with staff out...
From top left clockwise: West Side Youth Farmers meet with LEAD staff Heaven to plan out afternoon focus groups, Frogtown bikers head off to morning garden time, West Side youth enjoy an afternoon get you know you game, and Frogtown YF plays capture the flag at new...