Harvest, Harvest, Harvest…

Fall is here and the gardens are still very much alive. We’ve been harvesting peppers, cucumbers, squash and gourds, tomatoes, potatoes, and lots of cool weather crops like kale, chard, and cabbage. We’ve been preserving lots of the harvested goodies,...

Gearing Up For Harvest Fest

We are hard at work gearing up for this year’s Harvest Fest. Our youth are beautifying their gardens by pulling those last pesky weeds, repainting sheds, compost piles are getting rebuilt, and laying down mulch. Through it all we’re harvesting a whole lot...

Where does all that food go?

People often ask what we do with the food we grow. Step onto one of our farms during the summer and you’ll understand that while Youth Farm’s primary focus is on youth and leadership development, we grow a ton of food. While we sell some of the food to...

Tacos, Talent, and Tons of Food during Harvest Week….Oink

This past week on the West Side was one to remember.  So good we actually have to start the Friday before where we had a special visit from a pig named Kevin, ate sushi for lunch, and played 4 way capture the flag with face paint at Harriet Island.  Following what was...


This summer Lyndale’s primary method of food distribution has been a family shares program. All summer youth and parents have been telling us how they’ve used the produce. We’ve heard about kids making and eating pesto, kale chips, and lots of green...

Can’t stop won’t stop

The summer solstice treemageddon has slowed down the whole city, but it hasn’t stopped our food from growing. Today we harvested mushrooms, spinach, lettuce, green onions, carrots and mint for our lunches and cooking programs. Across Youth Farm we’ve been...