This past weekend at the Baker Center open house, West Side Youth Farm gave greenhouse tours, tabled, and guided kids as they sled down the huge baker hill. It was exciting to see so many people and organizations at Baker, the Southside YMCA, Cherokee Elementary...
Today, Saturday February 1st, St. Paul Public Schools (SPPS) and the Friends and Amigos of Baker are sponsoring a community Open House at Baker Center, 209 W. Page Street 55107. There will be swimming, sledding, seed starting workshops hosted by Growing West Side,...
Over the winter we’ve been asking our youth and community what we should grow at Youth Farm this year. Our Project LEAD have begun reflecting on all the input and making decisions on what foods we will grow to send home. Lyndale is especially excited to try...
Many people ask what we do at Youth Farm in the winter. Youth Farmers in Frogtown are playing, cooking, eating, planning, celebrating, and having fun despite the chilly weather! Winter programming is in full swing in Frogtown. Last week Youth Farmers at Jackson...
Last weekend Lyndale Project LEAD and Farm Stewards drove 3 hours north to Two Harbors for an intensive retreat. Over the weekend we began planning our summer program, committed to our food distribution outlets for this growing season, and made lots of yummy food...
Farm Stewards are getting a jump on the summer by testing out different salad and dressing combinations. Youth Farm grows all the produce for our summer lunches, including enough salads for over 6000...
This passing fall season offered fun and interesting experiences in food preservation. Youth Farm has adopted the model of preserving food grown in the summer to allow the crops to serve a nutritious and wholesome purpose well after the first frost. Looking on to 2014...
The Powderhorn and Hawthorne crews came together to show Divine some love for her performance in Appetite for Change’s Soul Food Monologues! We had a great time hanging out with one another and learning about powerful women who are engaging and making moves in...