January Thaw at NSJ

Today Mr. Alex’s 4th grade class opened their Rosemary and Thyme herb bags that they had left to dry over winter break. These were clippings from plants they are caring for under a grow light in their room. After recess, they carefully pulled off the dry leaves,...

From Macalester to Lyndale

By Allison Vandenberg-Daves I’ve been working with Youth Farm for nearly four months now as an Off-Campus Student Employee with Macalester College where I’m a senior this year.  During that time I’ve been helping out in the gardens, preserving food, and facilitating...

A Different Kind of Menu

While we are usually known for composing menus of a different variety, we thought we could apply this expertise to help with our End-of-the-Year Campaign.  Help us reach our goal of raising $20,000 by picking something off our Ways to Donate Menu: 1. Make a One-Time...

Lost in the Warehouse

Last night Lyndale and Frogtown Project LEAD had the opportunity to tour Coop Partners Warehouse. “What’s interesting about a warehouse tour?” you might ask. Well, our crew got to chew on limequats, taste test local and california carrots, advocate...

Thank You to Our Friends at the Hyatt

As part of Giving Tuesday, Youth Farm was fortunate to have received a $10,000 Hyatt Community Grant as one of 31 recipients of the grant worldwide. We want to thank our partners at the Hyatt for their continued support of Youth Farm, not only today, but also for...

SOCC Holiday Carrots & Cookies!

Hawthorne LEAD had a great time prepping and baking over 300 cookies for St. Olaf’s annual cookie bake! We made 7 different varieties of cookies, 2 of them featuring Hawthorne produce: carrots & zucchini. Those carrots were harvested on November 24th! Our...

Lyndale Fall Dinner

By Shanna Woods The Thursday youth farm cooking class held their fall 2014 community dinner November 20th at Zion Church to celebrate the end of the season. The youth planned a dinner to feed families, community partners, and friends using fun meal ideas and...

Shop Amazon to Support Youth Farm!

  Did you know, part of every purchase you make on Amazon can automatically be donated to Youth Farm? Here’s how: 1. Go to smile.amazon.com and sign-in with your Amazon account. 2. In the “pick your own organization” bar, search for “Youth Farm...

Youth-led Quality Improvement

We farm to grow leaders. The core of this youth development work is what we call the Youth Farm Way, in other words our program model and strategies that are built to deliver high quality programming and meaningful outcomes. Taking our mission seriously means engaging...

All Star Cider at Annual SOCC Spaghetti Dinner

On Saturday, Hawthorne Youth Farm cooked for and hosted the annual St. Olaf Community Campus Spaghetti Dinner. We made deliciously veggie loaded pasta sauce from our well-stocked freezers, 2 types of salad, NSJ raspberry brownies and SOCC sweet potato pie. The produce...