Summer is underway at Youth Farm led by our incredible team of Farm Stewards. Meet your South Minneapolis Farm Stewards Zainab Youngmark, Jesus Perez, and Demetrius Hro-Gant!
Zainab joined the Youth Farm team in the Powderhorn neighborhood when she was young. Throughout the years, she served as a Project LEAD staff and also helped to develop Powderhorn’s after school cooking classes. Zainab is the Summer Program Manager for the Powderhorn neighborhood and is the on-site contact for youth and families in that program. Learn more about Zainab here.
Jesus has been involved in the Lyndale Youth Farm Program for over 10 years. As part of the inaugural Farm Stewards Program in 2011, he helped to develop the program into what it is today: an opportunity for program graduates to have increased leadership roles and serve as mentors to younger youth participants. Jesus is the Summer Program Manager for the Lyndale neighborhood and is the on-site contact for youth and families in that program. Learn more about Jesus here.
Demetrius joined the Youth Farm team last summer as a summer staff. Prior to joining Youth Farm, Demetrius gained valuable experience in youth work and food justice through his roles at Beacons, the Cultural Wellness Center, and HOPE Community. In his role as Farm Steward, Demetrius manages the farms in the Lyndale and Powderhorn neighborhoods and is a summer staff in the Powderhorn neighborhood.
Look for the South Minneapolis Farm Stewards through the Lyndale and Powderhorn neighborhoods this summer!

Demetrius practiced bed prepping, seeding, and trellissing snap peas in Lyndale and pauses to take a moment to admire his progress.

Jesus and Zainab celebrate getting all the hoops up and secured in Youth Farm’s new hoop house at Green Central.