3 Course Dinner by Brasa featuring produce from Youth Farm
Thanks to everyone who came to our 2nd Annual Taste of the Farm Fundraising Dinner this past Sunday, September 13th at our West Side Farmsite in St. Paul. It was an absolutely beautiful afternoon and evening and we were honored to spend the evening alongside 100 of our closest supporters and friends. We also cannot thank our community of business supporters enough (Brasa, Restaurant Alma, Fulton, Fair State Brewing, Commonroots Cafe, The Wine Company) for their time and effort to help pull off this event seamlessly, as well as our event sponsors (Juut Salon, Tradition Capital Bank, Seward Coop, and Sunrise Banks) and La Puerta Abierta UMC for hosting our event and farm for the past 16 years.
Taste of the Farm Dinner was the beginning of our final push in our Summer Growing Campaign, a season long campaign (May – September) of fundraising and special events to grow our community and sustain our free programming – if you came to Taste of the Farm, thank you for your role in helping us reach our end of year goal, and if you were not able to come, we need your support these last two weeks to end our Fiscal Year strong!
Over the next two week, we need the support of our Youth Farm family – help us raise our final $10,000 to reach our Summer Growing Campaign goal. Support Good Food and Great Young Leaders HERE!
Photos from Taste of the Farm Fundraising Dinner – 2015