This passing fall season offered fun and interesting experiences in food preservation. Youth Farm has adopted the model of preserving food grown in the summer to allow the crops to serve a nutritious and wholesome purpose well after the first frost. Looking on to 2014 with a glance back into 2013, it’s great to reflect on the success of cooking food during the fall that was grow in the summer. A huge highlight was the All Things Food fall session youth brainstorming together what foods to make each week based on food stored from the summer. Their thoughtful use of food based on seasonality and creativity was so delightful. They made dishes such as butternut squash soup with squash from Lyndale, pesto from basil given by Whittier and apple pie and tarts from the generous amount of apples provided by the Pillsbury and CHT gardens! Being able to retain the labor, planning, and time given in the summer through delicious meals and teaching moments in the fall made programming fun and engaging for the youth. The fall also exposed the opportunity to envision next year through planning, reflecting, and problem solving, and celebrating accomplishments. Each fall, as initial prep and conversation begins for the next year, enthusiasm and anxious occurs to fulfill the aspirations of growing more food and serving youth to the fullest in the next year to come. Here’s to a great 2014.