All of us here at Youth Farm want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who made SpringFest 2013 at Summit Brewery last week a huge success. Thank you to Alex Roberts for being a continual champion and organizer to support our work. To all the chefs and restaurants, including Brasa Premium Rotisserie/Restaurant Alma, Lucia’s, Salty Tart, Red Stag Supperclub, Birchwood Cafe, Joia Soda, Sen Yai Sen Lek, Tilia, Common Roots Cafe, Summit Brewery, and Solera Restaurant – – Thank you, the food and drinks were amazing! To our sponsors, Juut Salon, Mississippi Market and Eureka Recycling, we very much appreciate your involvement to pull off a great event. And finally, to all those who attended and packed Summit Brewery full, thank you for supporting us.
With your help in 2013, we will:
Serve more than 800 youth, aged 9 to 24, in five Twin Cities neighborhoods;
- Offer our youth development programs FREE of charge for those enrolled;
- Provide over 10,000 youth prepared, healthy meals in 2013.
We hope you are motivated to stay connected to the work we do year-round. There are many ways to get involved:
- Check our website to learn about volunteer opportunities;
- Find us on Facebook and Twitter and learn about upcoming events, program updates, and ongoing ways to support our mission.
Come visit our program this summer. Take a tour, enjoy a healthy lunch with us, see your support at work. Contact Executive Director Gunnar Liden to find a date that works for you.
- Tell a neighbor, friend, co-worker or family member about our work and how they can get involved too!
We hope you had a great time and look forward to engaging with you in the future.