Youth Farm has amazing volunteers and supporters. We wouldn’t be able to do our work with the hundreds and hundreds of volunteers we get each year and the many hundreds that donate resources to make our work happen. But one supporter, Melanie Christensen, took her whole weekend this past fall to do something amazing…make 200 pies and raise over $5,600 to support Youth Farm. That’s right, 200 pies!

Melanie Christensen works alongside her son at the beginning of the pie challenge.

Melanie Christensen works alongside her son at the beginning of the pie challenge.

This is the 2nd time that Melanie Christensen has done this as a part of the Pie Challenge for Youth Farm ( For 48 hours Melanie kneaded and baked and baked and baked, and baked, and you get the point. The result…over 200 pies and $5,600 supporting Youth Farm. You can see some other pictures on Twitter,

Pie's line the wall all the way to the ceiling.

Pie’s line the wall all the way to the ceiling.

It is these kind of supporters that inspire us. So, a belated Thank You to Melanie Christensen and all who helped her. And to all of you who do amazing things to support our work, Thank You. We are continually humbled by your belief in our work.