This last Monday the Lyndale LEAD kicked off their school year internship. Over the school year our LEAD will meet together over twenty times to do lots of planning and skill development. The Lyndale LEAD staff plan farms and food distribution, community events, and programming. Over the year the LEAD develop leadership, organizing, and youth work skills.
Our meeting this Monday was devoted to trainings on Youth Farm’s goals and program strategies and the roles of LEAD. The rest of the fall will be devoted to reflecting on food justice, planning our farms and distribution, and developing a new role as lisasons to Lyndale community partners. This year we have eleven amazing LEAD staff in Lyndale with 46 combined years of experience in Youth Farm!
Give it up for Anisa, Hamdi, Niani, Nazeem, Yanelli, Rahma, Liban, Deqa, Jade, Maddie and August!