While everyday at Youth Farm is a “food day,” Monday also happened to be Food Day everywhere! Food Day, sponsored by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “Seeks to bring together Americans from all walks of life…to push for healthy, affordable food produced in a sustainable, humane way.” The Powderhorn Youth Farm spent their evening class on Monday celebrating Food Day, all without leaving their neighborhood.

First we visited Oakland Farm neighbors Derek and Aaron to check out the clay oven that they have graciously offered us to use this week to make wood-fired pizzas made with local ingredients.

Youth Farmers learning about clay ovens

From there we walked to Oakland Farm where we had snacks, played games, and made our Food Day poster.

Lastly we walked across the street to Park Ave United Methodist Church, which was hosting a major Food Day event sponsored by the City of Minneapolis. Youth Farmers broke off into groups to talk to Food Day attendees- including neighbors, city officials, and more- about what role healthy food plays in our lives.


Food Day was a wonderful chance to connect with our neighbors to talk about and celebrate healthy food. A big thanks to all the Youth Farmers and community members who turned out to make Food Day in our community a success!